Saturday night, I was fortunate enough to attend a bomb-ass combo launch party in Manhattan for 1) Amanda Congdon's new project
AmandaAcrossAmerica, and 2)'s new offices. You can check out the
photos here. It was worth the three-hour drive to NYC, the outrageous hotel and parking prices (ouch) to get to meet the glitterati of vlogging (video blogging). You will remember Amanda as the former host of
RocketBoom. is a great no-strings-attached video hosting site. I met the developers there, and I'm hoping I may get to contribute to their work. Funny how all the coders somehow manage to find each other. Also there were Rudy Jahchan and Casey McKinnon of
Galacticast who drove all the way down from Montreal to support Amanda and her new gig. Watch
Amanda's blog for more details. Also The Father of Vlogging,
Steve Garfield and his wife Carol (of The Steve and Carol Show fame) came down from Boston.
It was hotter than a Dell laptop battery in those offices (old NYC building, no A/C) but there were so many interesting people. Of course, with one exception, I was the oldest person there. But if you were a twenty-something guy at this party, you were in the right place at the right time. Groups of girls kept coming in the door all night. Reminded me of my old fraternity days. :)